2๏ธโƒฃStage II : Full Migration

This final stage will encompass all the significant changes to the fundamental code structure of our platform, and will include a migration from V2->V3.

Migration of The RAM token โŒ›

The current RAM token (Deployed over a year ago) is behind a Proxy contract. While upgradability of the token has been killed, we believe removing the existence of a Proxy on the token will help bolster trust and security of the overall token. Slightly modified tokenomics and emission schedules will be released as well.

Partner Grants Restructuring (Monolithic Voter)โŒ›

V3 introduces a "Monolithic Voter" contract which will house all partner NFT grants, and will allow them the same functionality they currently have-- but gives permissionless abilities to recast votes and do upkeep without partner's needing to stay on a cadence.

The MonolithicVoter also prevents the possibility of there ever being any malignant behavior from any partner, deterring the ability of voting on pools other than their own + splitting off.

Optionality of NonFungiblePositions โŒ›

NonFungiblePositions (NFPs) are a great way to track CL-type positions and boosts, but with the boost removal and our already accounted for indexing of identical positions; we no longer need to enforce this on the UI. Benefits of the optionality of NFPs in the core are significant gas improvements, user experience enhancement, and an overall cleaner flow.

Gas Savings โŒ›

To further enhance the gas savings of our V3 implementation, we will be optimizing our contracts and upgrading from 0.7.6 to ^0.8

Last updated